February 11, 2009

Workout #17: Hotel Gym

I thought about calling this post 'Scary Hotel Gym,'  but it wasn't the gym so much as the gym-goers that made yesterday's workout so frightening.

Frightening, though, in a good way, because, at 5:55 a.m., I practically had to fight for a treadmill.

On my way into the gym, a woman exiting said to me, "Watch out, they're fighting in there." Seriously? Turns out she was right; I found only one open machine out of eight: a treadmill. And I hate treadmills. But I hopped on, hoping an elliptical (there were two) would open up soon.

After 16 minutes of interval running/walking, an elliptical opened up. I stepped off my treadmill and, in a moment's hesitation, lost both the open elliptical and my treadmill to new gym-goers. Amazing.

So I stood in line, waiting 10 minutes until the other elliptical opened up. I don't think I probably would have toughed it out, under normal circumstances -- but I've decided that workouts are just that important. And I was very, very glad I stayed.

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