January 28, 2009

Workout #11

I stayed home from work yesterday with an upset stomach in the morning. By afternoon, however, I was feeling much better -- so I set out to complete an awesome workout. I rode my bike for about 20 minutes, ran for 30 (both on the hills in my neighborhood) and then did weights and lunges* at home. Woot woot!

This is an important development, since it's likely I won't be hitting the gym at work as much any more and need to find a way to do weights at home. (My 'gym' bus, the one that gets me to the office in time to work out before my morning meetings, is stopping at the end of this week.) And the weights are key, as I've noticed my legs seem to be turning to Jell-o two-thirds of the way through my runs.

I'm feeling good. It was a good day.

*NOTE: Very few lunges. Like, 3 of each kind. The last time I tried to incorporate lunges in my workouts, I way over did it and swore them off for life. This time, starting small.

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