That's right, you read correctly: I went whitewater rafting this weekend. For the first time ever. In India, of all places (Rishikesh, to be exact).
As most of you know, I'm not much of the outdoor adventure type of gal. But, my co-workers were all going rafting and, before leaving home, another co-worker had pointed to the Wikipedia page for Rishikesh and said, "You must go there." So I went.
I was doing OK, Saturday morning, as we got ready to embark on our adventure down the Ganges River -- until our intrepid guide, Eddy, described what to do when the raft flips (a 60-40 chance, he said) and you're suddenly part of the rapids. Gulp. I knew for sure, however, that I did not want to ride back along the winding, cliff-side road that led from Rishikesh to our starting point -- and that helped push me toward the water. I thought I'd be better to take my chances with a life jacket and a helmet on the water.
In the end, I felt safer in the raft with Eddy than I have in many other places in India (including on the roads around Rishikesh). Eddy's company, De & Ascent Expedition
Rafting turned out to be one of the best things I've done in a long time. I don't have many photos from the rafting itself -- since my camera was tucked away in an airtight bag for most of the trip -- but I have some great memories. As we went through the biggest rapid, known as The Wall, I remember looking over at my co-worker, Angela. We were crouched inside the boat, in the "get down!" (meaning, water is coming!) position, just before the second wave crashed over us -- and we were smiling and laughing and the sun was shining. It was truly amazing.
I floated down the river for a bit in my life jacket, too. Also cool.
Random facts: The Beatles visited Rishikesh in 1968 -- and, according to Wiki, composed songs for the White Album there. The ashram they stayed at is reported to be closed now, but we visited another, Parmath Ashram. Very nice -- lush gardens, peaceful.
In other news -- I know I haven't posted in a while. Kerala photos and posts to come soon. Promise.
Put the Kerala pictures up!