Done and done. This seems like an easy one, since Heather's already posted about it and sold me on its importance. I've been trying to work on this in the past few weeks, so I feel good about working on it again today.
I have a few things working against me on this one: I eat at my desk. I like to read while eating -- and I mean read anything: Cereal boxes. Milk jugs. The Times magazine.
I find this rule to just sit down and eat, however, liberates me to look those few things in the face and say that no, I deserve to just eat, to revel only in taking each bite while doing nothing more than talking to the boy, a friend or a coworker. In other words, eating is itself worth the time involved; I don't need to justify the time by also reading, watching TV or, as is so often the case, working.
I also liked Dr. Beck's idea of eating raw vegetables while cooking. I'm absolutely prone to I-have-to-taste-it-right? compulsive nibbling while I cook. Last night, it was chips, salsa and a fresh-baked corn muffin while I made white chili. This resulted in me being too full to eat any of the chili. (How disappointing!)
Glad you're back!! Woo-woo!!!